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  Yo I love

If the self were a point, then it would always have a perimeter.

"Yo soy yo y mis circunstancias" said Ortega y Gasset, a Spanish philosopher:

"I am me and my circumstances"

But this sentence only describes one side...

...the other is described by Juan Ramón Jiménez, a Spanish poet:

"I'm not you"

"I'm not I"

Who am I then? At the end of his poem it becomes clear...

"I am the one who will remain standing when I die"

What am I now?

Something put together.

Something that is becoming, that changes over the course of life, takes on new forms, even becomes colorful, becomes more and more clear and contoured and becomes visible, only to then become invisible again for a while...

We choose some things ourselves.

Life adds the rest.

And between guidance and guidance we emerge...

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