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Eurythmy for remembrance of the dead


Eurythmy : Diana-Maria Sagvosdkina, Susana Ulrich-Alvarez Ulloa, Angela Vogt
Language : Christa Schlunk

Piano : Volker Riksmann

Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 7 p.m.

Rudolf Steiner House Pforzheim
Werner Siemens-Str. 39
75173 Pforzheim

Seminar "Moving Thinking"

“And so we do not ask: ‘Can Schiller be something to us today?’ On the contrary, he must become something to us again, because we have forgotten how to understand what goes beyond the purely material.”

Rudolf Steiner “Schiller and our age” GA 51

In this seminar work we will approach Schiller's thoughts with the help of our thinking and through meditative eurythmic movements in order to experience them more deeply and vividly.

Rudolf Steiner House, Fichte Hall 1st floor

Start 12.01.2024, 5 evenings

Fridays 6.30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Seminar Schiller and Eurythmy 4 _ copy.jpg

But in the silent silence,…

Aurel Mothes_edited.jpg

Texts by Rudolf Steiner & poetry from the 20th/21st century and music by Marco Bindelli & JS Bach

Eurythmy :

Diana-Maria Sagvoskina

Susana Ulrich-Alvarez Ulloa

Language and piano :

Marco Bindelli


Raphaela Debus/Hildegard Kittel

Light :

Diethard Bastian

How can we find the path to our own spirituality and connect in a new way with the spiritual world that surrounds us? This question and Rudolf Steiner's saying: "Stars once spoke to people" form the core of our program.

Sunday, 28 January 2024, 16:30
Nikolaus-Cusanus-Haus e. V.
Törlesäckerstr. 9
70599 Stuttgart-Birkach,

Sunday, February 25, 2024, 4 p.m.
Am Eichhof 20
75223 Niefern-Öschelbronn

Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 7 p.m.
Rudolf Steiner House Pforzheim
Werner Siemens-Str. 39
75173 Pforzheim

Sunday, 24 March 2024, 5 p.m.
The Christian Community in Heidenheim
Alfred-Bentz-Str. 13
89522 Heidenheim

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A valuable and urgently needed initiative that my sister and I are allowed to support, even if only within the Spanish-speaking area.

Take a look by clicking on the picture!

Website of my sister Yolanda

It was a great pleasure for me to be able to give the Rubikon lecture again. So far I have been to four schools and I really hope that there will be more, because each time the importance of this topic becomes clearer to me.


Becoming human in the mirror of fairy tale images
Twelve fairy tale reflections

by Hans Werner

The book was printed in March 2022 for Hans Werner's 97th birthday and is available on a donation basis using the enclosed order form.


Text editing: Gabriela Goetze

Photos: Gerlinde Wendland

Printing: Dieter Siegrist

Concept and design:

Susana Ulrich-Alvarez Ulloa

In the picture: Gabriela, Gerlinde, Susana and Hans.
The water of life
The water of life
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